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Computer Aided Design Systems Catalogue 2017-2018. Software and manufacturers. To: Design software manufacturers.
This Catalogue is the result of high-quality and long-term marketing work in the Russianspeaking computer software design markets. The Catalogue includes software vendors, whose software products are circulating in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. It lists more than 240 companies from 23 countries of the world.
All information about companies and software is accompanied by links to primary sources on the Internet and to useful information in the Russian language, which is available in Russian language Internet sources.
Most of the materials published in the Catalogue have been coordinated with the manufacturers or their representatives. By the time of its publication, and up to present, this Catalogue has no analogues. This is the first and unique edition of such a work in the Russian language.
The author and SOLON-PRESS Publishing House (Moscow), offer companies manufacturing software for computer aided design to place selected information about their main solutions in this Catalogue, free of charge and using a template provided by our company.
The template is available via the Internet by sending a request to palarus@cadcatalog.ru.
Paid color advertising is available to member companies listing in the Catalogue on favorable terms, as well as in other publications of SOLON-PRESS Publishing House and its partners. This Catalogue is presented at many specialized exhibitions in which the publisher participates. Information support of the Catalogue is provided by leading Russian companies, partners of CAD Catalogue, as well as partners of SOLON-PRESS Publishing House.
The author and publisher are ready to assist you in promoting your software products, to choose a loyal company that has experience in the relevant profile — your potential distributor or representative in Russia and on the territory of countries of the former Soviet Union. Such experience is available from our work on previous editions. This Catalogue may be purchased through the retail network of the SOLON-PRESS Publishing House, in leading book stores or online through the Internet.
As a manufacturer of software, your representative may obtain one copy free of charge in the publishing house office, or by simply sending a request via the publisher’s website at http://www.solon-press.ru
Information about the current issue is available on the following Internet sites: